Student Services
Our Students of Today
Are the Workforce of Tomorrow!
sonder SOLUTIONS' Student Services Work Experience program is a work-based learning experience that offers high school students the opportunity to explore competitive integrated jobs in a variety of real time work settings.
Eligibility includes Students ages 16-21 with one of the following:
A Student with a Disability
Foster Students
Students at Risk of Dropping Out
Students with Mental Disorders
Those who have Experienced Generational Trauma
P.E. (potentially eligible)
“Opportunities for youth make for a more inclusive workforce, which has been proven to foster creativity and bolster financial performance.”
- Sarah Franklin, Executive Vice President & General Manager of Trailhead and Developer Relations at Salesforce.
Through Each Work Experience,
Students Will:
Gain experience in various employment settings
Build foundational employment skills
Gain confidence, self advocacy skills and motivation
Explore employment opportunities
Obtain employer references
Experience receiving pay and managing personal finance
Experience getting to work on time through public or private transportation
Gain exposure to and understanding of the work environment, job responsibilities, and employer expectations to better prepare for future permanent employment
Wages & Paid Participation by sonder SOLUTIONS
Each Student's Work Experience Not to
Exceed 100 hours
Become a Host Employer:
Creating and strengthening partnerships is a crucial aspect of being able to provide the most effective programs appropriate for youth in need.
At no cost to you, sonder SOLUTIONS successfully creates opportunities and removes barriers for transition-age high school students while empowering them as they enter the workforce.
For more information on how you can partner with us to become a host employer, please contact us at the following:
Call: (916) 249 - 0203 ext. 102
Write: 2865 Sunrise Blvd., Suite 106,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742