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Ticket To Work

sonder SOLUTIONS is proud to have partnered with Human Solutions.

Human Solutions is an Employment Network (EN) through Social Security's Ticket to Work program. In addition to providing job placement support to those receiving Social Security benefits, they track client employment outcomes as required, oftentimes for several years. 


To find out more about Human Solutions, visit their website at:


Ticket to Work service providers are standing ready to help you start or continue on your path to a better future.  Ticket to Work service providers can help you understand how work will affect your benefits, provide you training, assist in your job search, and protect your rights.

Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:

In Person

2865 Sunrise Blvd. Suite 106

Rancho Cordova, CA


Make a tax deductible donation.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 916-249-0203

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